As you may have noticed, it's not just for the dogs around here. *wink* It feels a bit silly to put my paw-print logo on people, and as of Spring 2017 I will be branding my non-pet photography as simply Van Valen Photography.
I finally got around to making a book of our adventures in Mexico! The best part is that it is the same size and theme as my South Korea photo book; eventually they'll become part of a set of travel books!
I went to Mt. Hood this weekend and got to photograph one of my favorite hilarious hounds - a big silly love bug named Zoey. I call her Zozo the Bozo - because she's so zany. She usually makes us all laugh with her antics, but when she stops the Zoey Zoomies she's a pretty pretty lady!
We were so excited to be on the bus and finally heading to the city, we didn't really know what to expect. We watched the sun set over the unfamiliar countryside, we were overwhelmed by the sounds around us. As the bus finally rolled into the city we were struck by the sheer size of Seoul...
This photo changed my life the day I got the phone call from NYC that it had swept an online vote and won me a whirlwind trip to South Korea, courtesy of Travel & Leisure Magazine, Korean Air, and Lotte Hotels. I didn't even know people really won those contests, I had always doubted the grand prizes. All of a sudden, I needed a passport, and I needed to buy some travel and etiquette guides all about Korea.
I'm going to take some time on the blog in the next several posts to relive my incredible trip to the country I knew so little about, but now carry in my heart. My first post will be a simple visit to the airport, and the longest flight I've ever taken.